Friday 9 December 2016

Confirmation for Reshooting

My group and I have confirmed and planned to reshoot some scenes of our music video over the christmas holiday. The whole group and I aren't very busy over christmas and therefore we can film many scenes and shots which can then use for the video to improve it and make it look better and more professional.

We will keep some of the scenes such as the party scene, some shots of the artist and the car as well the music studio scene. Most off the outdoor scenes I felt lacked in quality, was shaky and the lighting wasn't very good and therefore as director of the music video I decided I wanted to refilm all the shots I did not like. 

I also wanted to change the location we used to film these shots. I decided I now wanted to take out the gang scenes and replace it with high quality and more professional shots in Greenwich and the Hill in Thamesmead where there is a a great view.

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